- The Steering Committee Chairperson shall call and preside at all meetings of the Steering Committee.
- The Steering Committee Chairperson shall perform such duties as usually pertain to that office.
- The Steering Committee Chairperson shall appoint all sub-committee chairpersons as necessary to carry out the functions of the Steering Committee, with approval of the Steering Committee.
- The Steering Committee Chairperson is elected by the registered participants at the annual Conference for Generalists and shall NOT serve more than one consecutive three-year term: first year as chairperson-elect second as chairperson, third as past chairperson.
By-laws accepted by the Steering Committee February 14, 2022
1. Steering Committee Chairperson
2. Steering Committee
- The Steering Committee is constituted of Past Steering Committee chairperson, Steering Committee Chairperson, Steering Committee Chairperson-Elect, Treasurer, three Members-At-Large, Membership Chairperson, Webmaster, Conference Program Evaluation Chair, and the Conference Program Chairperson(s). The steering committee has the ability to add in Ad-Hoc members as needed.
- Members-at-Large shall serve a three-year term, staggered to ensure the election of one new Member-at-large each year.
- The organization’s Treasurer, Membership Chairperson, Conference Program Evaluation Chair, and Webmaster will serve the organization based on mutual agreement of each individual and the Steering Committee.
- Any member of the Steering Committee may hold only one office at a time.
- A designated AAMC liaison may attend Steering Committee meeting(s) by invitation.
- The steering committee members will serve as formal liaisons to other health professions education and affinity organizations.
- In the event the current Steering Chairperson cannot fulfill his/her term, the Steering Committee will appoint either a Past Steering Committee Chairperson and/or the current Steering Committee Chairperson – Elect to assume this position for the remainder of the term.
- In the event of an opening on the Steering Committee, other than the Steering Committee Chairperson, the Steering Committee Chairperson in consultation with the Steering Committee will appoint a person to fulfill the remainder of the term
3. Sub-Committee(s)
- Conference Program Sub-Committee: This sub-committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the annual Conference in consultation with the Steering Committee. The Conference Program Chairperson(s) is(are) appointed by the Steering Committee Chairperson, with approval from the Conference Program Chair(s) home institution(s).
- The Conference Program Sub-Committee takes responsibility for planning the conference, including but not limited to, facilitating the call for proposals and review process, developing the conference program and agenda, communicating with presenters, and completing post-conference communications in conjunction with the Steering Committee.
- Other sub-committees for specific tasks or areas of responsibility may be appointed by the Steering Committee Chairperson as needed, subject to the approval of the Steering Committee.
4. Elections
- Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee shall be responsible to present to the Steering Committee a slate of candidates for the offices being vacated.
- The Nominations Committee will be chaired by the immediate past Chair of the Steering Committee.
- At least three months prior to each annual Conference, the Nominations Committee Chair will appoint two additional members who are not members of the Steering Committee to the Nominations Committee. Members of the Nominations Committee may not make nominations for the offices being vacated. At least two months before the Annual Conference, the Nominations Chair will solicit nominations for offices being vacated.
- The Nominations Committee will prioritize the nominees for office based on their contributions to the organization, such as but not limited to: the number of nominations any individuals received; recent attendance and participation at the annual meeting; or in any other Generalists’ initiatives.
- The Nominations Committee will confirm with nominees their acceptance to serve in the office to which they were nominated.
- At least one month prior to the annual Conference and after having ascertained the acceptances for nomination from the nominees, the Nominations Committee Chair shall present to the Steering Committee the slate of nominees for the offices being vacated to the Steering Committee for discussion and approval prior to the business meeting and election.
- Elections. The Chair of the Steering Committee shall present the slate of candidates for the offices being vacated for a vote of acclamation at the annual Conference.
- New Officers. New officers shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the annual Conference at which they were elected.
5. Awards
- Awards Nominations Committee. The Awards Nominations Committee shall be responsible to present to the Steering Committee potential award recipients for each award presented.
- The Awards Nominations Committee will be chaired by the most recently appointed Member at Large.
- At least four months prior to each annual Conference, the Immediate Past Steering Committee Chair will appoint three or more past winners of an award to the Awards Nominations Committee.
- At least three months before the Annual Conference, the Awards Nominations Chair will solicit nominations for awards to be granted.
- The Awards Nominations Committee will prioritize the nominees for awards based on their contributions to the organization, such as but not limited to: the number of nominations any individuals received, history of involvement with the Generalists initiatives; mentoring and leadership roles assumed as a member of the Generalists, and recent attendance and participation at the annual meetings.
- At least two months prior to the annual Conference, the Awards Nominations Committee Chair shall present the award nominee(s) to the Steering Committee for discussion and approval.
- Presentations. The Chair of the Steering Committee shall be responsible for the presentation of the award(s) to the recipient(s) at the annual Conference.
6. Modifying the Bylaws
- Recommended amendments to the Bylaws should be communicated to the Steering Committee.
- Amendments to the Bylaws must be accepted by consensus of the Steering Committee.
- Accepted amendments to the Bylaws must be made available to conference attendees.